Our Church runs several activities during the week, where our local community can join us:
We have a coffee morning on the first Thursday of the month from 10am, and an open lunch on the fourth Thursday of every month from 12noon.
The Church also runs a Saturday Shop (including a cafe) monthly from 10am, where you can search for bargains, and have something to drink and eat. During this time our Church will be open for reflection and prayer, or if you just need a quiet space for a time of peace.
We also run a Toddlers & Carers group who meet on Wednesday mornings term time, from 10am until 11.30am. Our FAST group for children is monthly on Tuesdays after school, also during term time. Please contact the Church for more details.
You’ll see below some of our groups in our local community who currently use our facilities:
Art Group
The Art Group meet between 9.00 am and 12noon in the morning, and from 2pm until 5 pm on Fridays.
Brownies & Rainbows
Brownies meet 6:15 to 7:30pm on Fridays. Rainbows meet 4:15 to 5:15pm Mondays
To find out more information about these, please contact us.